Ms Pink Herself

A best-selling author, executive coach and realist dedicated to walking the walk with you. No BS...  No 'Ra-Ra'...  Just straight talk from a woman who has been where you are and is dedicated to helping you create the Life You Love!

A down to earth Aussie girl with nothing more than passion, drive and a dream...  I’m proud to have created a socially aware business that touches gorgeous girls around the globe.

One of the things I am often asked is 'Why' do you do all of this?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been insatiably curious about human potential.  I wanted to know exactly what it is that makes people genuinely happy? Why do some people struggle while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances? 

I wanted to help people to grow...

I was also passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things: psychology, entrepreneurship, writing, belly-dance, creativity, spirituality, health and making the world a better place, just to name a few.

After several attempts at 'normal' jobs trying to fit in to a corporate world, and a lot of angst trying to choose just one thing to be in life, I realised that my unusual combination of interests and skills was a strength, not a liability.

I went back to school.  In reality, I never left it.  I studied part-time whilst working for most of my life...  Always doing SOMETHING to improve myself and enhance my potential.

I just didn’t (and never will) fit into a conventional box.

I have always been a bit of a renegade.

I actually started my first business when I was just 19. I never really liked working for other people, I was always a little bit too headstrong and I had really specific ideas about how I liked to do things. As a result, it always seemed to be a lot easier to drive myself as hard as I could and be as creative as I wanted to be, without having to fit into the confines of what other people thought that I should be doing and not limited by my age...

I have always been a bit of a renegade.  I actually started my first business when I was just 19.  I never really liked working for other people, I was always a little bit too headstrong and I had really specific ideas about how I liked to do things.  As a result, it always seemed to be a lot easier to drive myself as hard as I could and be as creative as I wanted to be, without having to fit into the confines of what other people thought that I should be doing and not limited by my age...

I BELIEVE that women have a value that is unique and different to the value of a man – we don’t need to ‘match’ that, we need to acknowledge the complementary nature of it…

That includes your unique set of gifts, your personality, your sense of humour and most importantly, your heart.  I believe that no matter what your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your life and, by doing so, you’ll change the world.

I BELIEVE that we can understand the human condition and actively manage our negative perceptions…

That includes minimising the judgement in the world, or more specifically, the unnecessary judgement without compassion that we make about ourselves and others...  

Please join with me in striving to minimise the unnecessary judgement in the world.

I BELIEVE that we deserve to be loved, connected and embraced – we can be both vulnerable and strong at the same time – there is power and strength in our vulnerability…

That includes finding a partner who honestly accepts you for 'who' you are... Someone who doesn't need to be like you and doesn't want to change you, but sees your unique value and embraces that difference.

I believe you can find your ultimate mate who loves you

'Just As You Are'.

I BELIEVE Life is too short to be stagnant... I LOVE to travel and experience new cultures

I BELIEVE that we can be honest, true to our own 'quirky' nature and be fully and openly accepted anyway…

That includes a true acceptance of the fact that individuals, and the groups to which they belong, can choose how they wish to live. I believe that individuals can choose how they present themselves in the world, without other people judging them or finding them wanting.

I BELIEVE that education is the key to unlocking our ability to shift paradigms…

Education provides us with an opportunity for significant transformation, we need to consider what really makes us wake up full of 'awesome' and pursue our passion. I believe that no matter what your dreams or obstacles, education gives you the power to change your life.

I BELIEVE that we have a right to be safe, healthy and fulfilled - no matter where we live…

That includes your opportunity to live your most healthy life, no matter what decisions you make for how you live your life. This philosophy, a dedicated drive and tenacity combined with a great helping of gratitude will lead to some wonderful transformations in life.

I BELIEVE that energy flows between people and all around us - we can choose how that energy feels and flows…

That includes your ability to replenish, re-energise and recharge.  I believe that you are the master of your destiny and you have the energy resources to create a life that gives back.  In prioritising your own needs you are able to ensure that you have the resources to best support others.

Iam here to serve. My company is built on a bedrock of love, a passion for what’s possible and a commitment to be an unstoppable force for good.

Through our free content, our paid online training programs and anything else we might offer — we’re in this to make a difference.  To help you build a life that you truly love.  A life that is one of a kind, unique and brilliantly tailored for you.

Whether you’re planning to make a career change, or looking to make a big change in your personal life, we’re here to help you reach the highest levels of your creative potential and tap into the deepest wisdom within you.

Yes, this is a business.  Yes, we sell things.

Yes, we’re proud and deeply grateful to earn a living doing so.

But you should know the vast majority of our creative work is offered to you 100% free of charge (For more on how my company rolls, read this).  I’m far from perfect and I don’t have all the answers.  I make mistakes, have crappy days and second-guess myself regularly, just like the rest of humanity. 

But my commitment is to bring you the very best of what I’m living and learning, keeping it real and honest as I go.  So please don’t expect perfect polish - I’m too much of a straight-talker for that!  However, do expect thought-provoking ideas, timeless wisdom, some silliness and an unwavering devotion to help you live your most expansive, expressive and meaningful life.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship.  And, I’d love to learn more about you.  The best way to share that and stay connected is to make sure you become a Diva - just enter your name and email. 

As you might have heard, though I run a digital company - I spend as much time offline as humanly possible.  I’m not hyper active on social media, so if you want to be in the know, our Diva list is where it’s at.  Most of the time, you’ll only hear from me once a week at most; more if something is time-sensitive or important.

Plus, you’ll get a fantastic (and free) audio training called "Let's Start With The Self: Three Keys To Unlock Your Potential" as soon as you subscribe.  It’ll walk you through the fundamentals of understanding yourself and gaining clarity on how to turn your dreams into reality.  Can’t wait for you to listen.

Make Me A Diva!

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit.  I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited for the journey ahead. C'mon Gorgeous...


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