G’day Gorgeous…
It has been quite a while since I posted any updates – so I apologise. I have been absolutely flat out with my book – which is fabulous because it is nearly ready and I will officially launch it on 25 February 2017! Very excited…
So, when I was thinking about what you might like some assistance with at this time of year, my lovely assistant Lucy suggested Stress at Christmas as a very timely and important topic…
We often find that Christmas is quite a stressful time, the pressure and expectations that are placed upon us… and we just want to relax!
In this video I talk about how the expectations we place on others are often the root of our distress. Yet, on the most part we never ‘ask’ our loved ones for what we want…
We make assumptions about the fact that we will be given what we want – help, support, time, gifts… We get ‘stressed’ when we are not given what we want!
However… We rarely ‘ask’ for what we want for fear of rejection.
See this video to learn how to change this approach…
From myself and my team… May you and yours have a lovingly ‘connected’ holiday season…
See you in 2017 Gorgeous!