Ms Pink’s Musing on feeling Not worthy in relationships

G’day gorgeous!

In the last few weeks I’ve been talking about relationships, how our behaviour impacts our relationships, and not just intimate relationships, it’s also about friendships. I am talking to you about some really interesting things that come up when we have issues in relationships. One of the things that come up for me recently was my own sense of self and how I interact in relationships and bringing baggage into a relationship.

I’m amazed that even though I would consider myself to be reasonably self aware, when I’m in relationship there are still some underlying negative beliefs about myself that get triggered somehow making me think that this relationship is either not good for me or I’m going to screw it up somehow, perhaps I’m not as good as they think I am, and this is even though I’ve done some huge personal development work.

So I just want to share recent experience. I have a new partner we’ve been together now nearly six months and this relationship is amazingly transformational, quite different to anything I’ve ever had before and I’m aware that a huge part of this is because I became very clear with what I want in a partner and what I don’t want in a partner. I became very aware that my choice of partner had an awful lot to do with me feeling like I had to give a lot of myself to somebody else, my value to any relationship was actually about my ability to give.
I always end up with partners with issues and those issues strongly impact me and after a while even though you see somebody work through their issues, you become resentful with doing all of the work to support them and to resolve their issues. It seems like they’re not trying really hard to resolve their issues. Now that I find myself in a situation with somebody who doesn’t have any issues I’m finding certain things trigger issues I have within myself not the least of which is somehow I don’t deserve this, that its almost too good to be true. So classic example, couple of weeks ago, a girlfriend of mine lost a partner and I went to the funeral and number of my other friends were there and they were all talking about the fact that my current partner is just lovely. He is, but the issue for me was not so much that they were highlighting that he was lovely. They were asking where we met, questions about him to the point that I had told them a story about something nice that he did for me. They were asking where can we get a guy like that? I went home and I said “hey just so you know when you get sick of me there’s half a dozen woman lining up waiting for this spot to be vacant and they all think that you’re awesome, we had a laugh about it and at that time I didn’t think it affected me, but a couple times that night and then for the next couple of days, I was making the same negative comments “so when you get sick of me”, “when we’re done”, “when you’re over it,” “when you decide to turf me out”. To the point that after a couple of nights he said to me, what are you doing? Is this you trying to push me away? Why are you being negative?
I had to stop and think, step back and think about the language I was using and try to understand myself, why would I do that? The next morning I thought, you know what? It’s because when everybody says how nice he is, in my brain there’s some really doubtful part right at the very back or down in my gut that says he’s too good for you and you don’t deserve it.

My response to that is to start pushing him away. There’s something about this relationship that seems to have no issues, nothing that I can fix. I’m not doing anything or contributing a huge amount, the fact is I like to be with this person but somehow just being with them doesn’t seem enough to me. Why would he stay around? I really don’t quite understand what I think is wrong with just being myself in a relationship. It still is one of those things that even though I’ve learned to accept it at the top thinking level, I still feel somewhere inside that I don’t deserve love and a huge part of that is probably to do with the rejection from my father.

I just thought that you might find it interesting that even though I sit here and do these videos and I have a background in psychology and everybody thinks that I must have all my shit together that I’m just a normal ordinary everyday human being like everybody else and as I say to my clients I have issues too. I still consult somebody else to help me understand myself. Sometimes the perspective we get about people its not always correct but it’s about our ability to be able to learn from our experiences and be more self aware and the ability to share that in a way that my partner can understand.
So I hope that was useful gorgeous.

Have a great week and I’ll see you soon.


Ms Pink’s Musing On Unnecessary Judgement

G’day Gorgeous! 

I was reminded this week about judgment and why is it that we actually want to judge others.  We look at what other people are doing and feel the need to put them down, put them in their place or make a judgement about something that they are doing.

The main reason that we do it is actually to feel better about ourselves.

When you notice, that you actually spend quite a bit of time critiquing other people, picking at certain things about how others behave, how they dress, the sort of car they drive or anything really about another person’s life – it is important to understand why we do that.

Who would do that? I wouldn’t do that!

It’s important to note that we need to use judgement in terms of working out what we want for ourselves.  You can’t move forward in life without some level of judgment, because you’re trying to decide what’s good for you and how you’re going to get there and what is it that you really want for yourself.




When we use judgement to actually compare ourselves to another person and trying to elevate ourselves above them, in most cases, this is not actually useful. One of the things that’s important to understand is that when we are judging other people, we are doing it because there’s usually something about that person thats making us feel insecure, inadequate or it triggers something within our own negative belief system.  We make ourselves feel better by looking at that person and denigrating what it is that they’re doing in order to elevate ourselves above them, making us feel better in comparison.

However it is actually about trying to get the feelings you have about yourself out, externalising them and projecting them onto somebody else, so that you don’t have to feel them.  Instead you might wonder what it is about that person that makes you feel not good or inadequate.  What is it that they are triggering within you because theres something about them that makes you feel threatened, inadequate or compared in some way.

So I want you to think about this the next time that you observe somebody, in your workplace, some other area of your life, or just a random stranger in the street and you notice that you feel the need to pass judgment on them I want you to stop and actually think “what is it about that person that makes me feel not so good about myself,” I want you to examine that and actually take a little bit of time to understand it, and if it’s something that’s been with you for a really long time then I would absolutely encourage you to try and get some therapy around that issue and try to resolve it for yourself.

Life is so much nicer and it is much more enjoyable to spend your life hanging around with great people, without feeling the need to judge them, or being judged by them.

If you stop and think about the process in reverse. If people are judging you, they are doing it to make themselves feel better their judgment of you is not really fair. Their judgement of you is based on their own feelings of inadequacy. In reality, they should be pitied for their need to constantly criticise others.

A great quote I have always loved “Your opinion of me… Is none of my business”.

I hope that was insightful… Until next time Gorgeous…


Ms Pink Musing on Legal Processes

G’day Gorgeous…

This week I have been chatting to many people about Family Court legal processes and how Emotions impact your outcome!

The implications of bringing lawyers into the emotional space is often just a quick plug to drain your resources – financial and emotional resources.  This musing comes from the second in the Diva programs – Divorce Diva.

I’m interested in the ways that we handover our power to a legal professional…

I believe that sometimes we do ourselves a disservice when we do that.

I hope you enjoy this little insight.